Tickles & Tunes for Babies

Event Type: Childrens Program
Age Group(s): 0-2 years (Baby)
Date: 10/25/2018
Start Time: 10:00 AM
End Time: 10:45 AM
 Our youngest patrons ages 6 months to 2 years, with their grown-up, gather on the carpet for music, stories, bubbles, and much more. Come join the fun, make a friend, and start a love for the library. Please register. Drop-ins welcomed.
Library: Glassboro Branch    Map
Location: Meeting Room
Contact: Mary Dulin
Contact Number: 856-881-0001
Status: Closed
Please Note
  • Attendee must be between the ages of 1 Month and 2 Years old.
  • Attendee MUST give 24 hour cancellation notice to allow others on the waiting list to attend.

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